Overview: Study the Continuum of Choice by Bray and McClaskey. The further to the right this progression gets, the more we educators dig our heels in, right? Probably for the reasons mentioned above. But what if we baby-stepped our way through this continuum and allowed ourselves time to evolve over several years?
Reflect using these guiding questions. Don’t rush it.
- Where am I along this continuum?
- Am I even on it?
- Have I stayed in one place for a very long time?
- When was the last time I took a step?
- What scares me about moving along the continuum?
- What excites me?
- How could moving along the continuum help me optimize learning opportunities for students?

1. Take a step and stay there a while. Practice, reflect, share with colleagues, and try again.
2. Students will not automatically KNOW how to handle choice. You will have to institute practice time with
- How to choose or create a good choice
- Understanding learning styles and preferences
- What to do when my choices look different from my classmates or friend
- How to persevere with a choice
- When to abandon a choice