Overview: Students reflect and decide when they are ready to "Battle the Boss" - they then engage in a verbal, written &/or digital task that provides evidence of understanding around the learning focus. The teacher and student then decide the best next steps in learning. It is a great way to check for understanding and check in with students moving at their own pace.
Link to Battling the Boss Resource (just click): Includes video example and explanation
Don't Forget!!
1. Modify the strategy to fit your situation-grade level, content area, student need, etc. Make it work for YOUR classroom!
2. Make the Battling the Boss challenge questions reflect the depth of thinking that is appropriate for your learning goal.
Join in the conversation...post a comment:
- Share how you used this strategy in your classroom...What worked? What didn't? What would you modify?
- Share an similar resource that you have used with success.
- Share an area of focus for next month's resource.